Teens and youths need their own space because their struggles are different from our struggles and it makes sense to catch them young because it is easy when they are grown up as the word of God is an incorruptible seed.
We also want them to know they are members of the church and should have fun in church because the solution to drugs is Jesus, said Pastor Dr Sacrifice Chirisa, the Founder of Wisdom City Ministries International, during the teen service.
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He urged parents to not provoke their children to anger because the Bible in Ephesians 6:4 has an instruction to parents that they should not provoke their children to the point that they resent us. As parents you give your children the best.
‘’The purpose of parenting is to bring up a child who becomes an adult knowing how to take care of himself and fund himself” said Pastor Dr Chirisa.
The teen service was a service under the theme ‘’Breaking bad, building good’ ’in which one of the teen Nigel defined bad as something that is so unpleasant and something of poor quality such as bad character, bad behaviour and habits.
To build the good one should have self-discipline, pray and be positive.
‘’Bad habits become a habit as you do it repeatedly and your mind get used to it. One can build good habits by praying and changing association. Change is a process so go on your knees, set the Lord in your heart,’’ said Nigel.
David Chirisa, the son of Pastor Dr SM Chirisa, urged the church that in order to break the bad, recognize the habits and call it out, stop engaging in habits that lead you to bad places, be accountable for your habits and never give up to break the bad habits.
To build the good, know whom to worship, read the bible and understand what it is saying.
‘’To break the bad, accept that what you are doing is wrong, confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, be accountable for your actions and never give up on breaking the bad habits. Have someone you can rely on’’ said David.
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Beverley Chilimanzi, urged the church members to not seek confirmation from other people when God is asking you.
Most of the time, the reason why we fail is because we fail to have parameters for ourselves, learn to give your life to God.