Zimbabwe-based award-winning gospel singer Benny Hadassah Muzanamombe this Wednesday released a new video of his hit track titled “Vafudzi vemakwai” on which he featured the gospel pioneer Pastor Charles Charamba.
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The song basically talks about the responsibilities of Pastors whereby they are expected as good shepherds to take good care of the flock of God, offer proper spiritual guidance and support, rather than to earn a living or to demand money from believers.
Sharing expressions about the song, Muzanamombe said that it carries a powerful revival message to all gospel music lovers.
He further expressed his gratitude to Pastor Charamba for his humility to be part of the new project saying that he was inspired by the good spirit of Pastor Charamba for him to be a minister of the gospel through music.
“I made this decision to publicly appreciate your humility and commitment to the gospel because I am failing to hide my joy after you agreed to be part of the Vafudzi vemakwai story.
“My journey as a gospel singer was inspired by the good spirit of Pastor Charamba.What you did to me is beyond you being on my video,there is great spiritual impartation that has taken place.It is my prayer that may God give me the same sweet spirit to others,I am so grateful.
“My desire is that as your son I will never bring any dirty to your name or tarnish your image that you had built for so many years.Hebrews 7: 7 says,and without doubt the lesser gets his blessing from the greater,” he said
In his response on social wall (Facebook) Pastor Charles Charamba said “Mufaro waShe Minister Benny Hadassah Muzanamombe.It was a privilege to partner you on the production of your video as well,may it transform many including us,”he said
Muzanamombe’s 2020 album,Murikuvarairwa,won two accolades at Zimbabwe South Africa Gospel Music Awards and the track Vafudzi vemakwai had put him in the limelight.
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Muzanamombe grew up in Honde Valley and his musical journey began when he completed his Ordinary Level studies at Dzivarasekwa 2 High in Harare.