CHILDREN at Jairos Jiri Naran Centre in Gweru recently benefited from stationery donations made by Let’s Make a Difference Disability Zimbabwe.
Among the donated items were exercise books, textbooks, mathematical sets and pens. Speaking to ZimGospel Masters, the organisation’s founder and president, Advocate Nigel Tahwa, said that the gesture was meant to assist the underprivileged children with disabilities to ensure that the right to education is guaranteed.
“Through my organisation, I have assisted a number of learners at Naran Centre, who have been seen befitting by the school. I just did it out of love,” he said.
“I believe that disability is not inability and education is key in life. So stationery is the starting point for one to acquire education.” Let’s make a Difference Disability Zimbabwe has also been spearheading other programmes such as drug abuse awareness campaigns.