Apostle Michael Mauramba the Founder of Grace of God International Ministries (GGIM) emphasized the significance of planning together and tolerance towards building peaceful, strong and lasting marriages.
He said this at a family Sunday Service which was hosted on 19 January 2025 in Glenorah under the theme “Breaking family cages”.
In his advice to men, Apostle Mauramba stated that the reason why some marriages have been failing is that some men are not responsible for their families hence causing women to lose confidence in them, a situation which has been causing tensions and conflicts to rise.
“The authority of a man is not in an aggressive voice or command but is seen through being responsible for your family. As a man you should be in a position to make sure that within your means, your family is well catered for. When you become responsible, respect automatically comes.
“Also planning together is very important to keep marriages firm. If you plan together as married partners, you will be able to build something and this reduces chances of conflicts and unfaithfulness. When you get your money I encourage you to sit down and plan together on how you are going to use that money, even the devil will not have a chance to interfere and cause confusion if you are united,” said Mauramba
Meanwhile, he reprimanded women not to be too demanding but to be able to understand the situation in the home depending on how their husbands get money.
He added that wives should be supportive of their husbands saying “Most of the times because of pressure upon men to try to provide for their families, many men neglect taking care of themselves therefore it is the duty of the wife to support her partner by making sure that he dresses well and look presentable. Women should also accept that there are ups and downs in life, one day you get money the other day you come back home dry, “he added
Attendees who share their expressions after the service thanked Apostle Mauramba for the rich advice revealing that it was pure and powerful counselling for married people.
“Today’s service was really therapeutic, its rare to find such a building advise these days. I am very confident that our marriages will change from today, “she said
“As a man I did not know that respect is earned not demanded. I learnt that what I do as a man will bring me honour or disgrace, as men we were taught to love our wives and to be responsible for our families, “he added
GGIM is a fast-growing Pentecostal movement which was established a decade ago with the mandate of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ and providing spiritual empowerment and marital guidance among others.