Reverend Dr Farai Mutamiri of Anglican Church has officially opened a state of the art house for the less privileged children at Shearly Cripps at St John Chikwaka Mission, which will see an improvement in living standards as they will be a migration from a dormitory to a home set up.

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‘’We gather for this special day as we are still celebrating the rising of Christ from the dead days after Easter, this day is blessed because we are opening a house that is set to shelter less privileged and orphans residing here at Shearly Cripps.
“Easter signifies our true nature of Christianity. Without the passion of Christ his death and resurrection, there is no significance of Christianity. Way back people in Judah, people used to offer sacrifices for them to be cleaned. God sending his son to die for was enough sign of his unconditional love to humans,” said Reverend Dr Farai Mutamiri.
Referring to King David who despite living well in the palace, remembered that the Lord’s ark was in the bush. Likewise, people need to remember the less privileged. (2Samuel:7).
‘’Our mission is to give dissent lifestyle to these kids which is going to be a hard and expensive through teaching these children a normal lifestyle of a family set up than of dormitory.
‘’It is my joy to witness this noble initiative and to officially open this house which is an act of love of giving by donation from various people. Established in Diocese of Harare, we believe everyone within the area is expected to partner in this initiative which is set to better the lives of the less privileged, who have the right to live in a good environment as this,” he said.
This gesture pictures giving its true meaning of love and expression of rights of children through ensuring they are given facilities that takes children away from life trauma and dangers happening out in various societies
‘’We want to mold nurtured humans with good morals and manners. The children have been offered good education. With this act of family set up, we are set to mold kids well educated on general upkeep. We are complimenting the ministry of social welfare urging homes that they should put up infrastructures of homes set up that’s our vision as diocese.
Bishop appreciated the great works being done by Pastors, Headmasters, Sisters, and all those putting efforts for the better lives of children staying at the home and also emphasized that all should emulate God’s of love through being taking care of others and being brothers and sisters’ keepers. This must be evident especially this year was declared national disaster due to Elnino

‘’We jubilate to open this home which is an act of love but let us also stretch forth our hearts of giving by looking after one another in this year of Elnino. Do not hoard food stuff for personal use only but share and give to others for sustenance,” he said.
Mothers union and Shearly Cripps partners were appreciated much for their tireless efforts in donating a lot including food, blankets, medication and piggery projects initiated by Mr Zvorwadza .
‘’Lets continue together to pledge our support, resources, time and expertise to build nature and empower these kids who are the future of tomorrow in our nation. In their smiles we find hope for Shearly Cripps children’s home becoming the beacon of transformative power of love lighting the path of generation to come,’’ Bishop Mutamiri said.
Sister blessing who is the matron at the home with jovial mood thanked all who attended and urged them to keep praying and partner with them in this philanthropic initiative of church beyond the pulpit.
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‘’Let us not leave for ourselves only but also for Christ. We are proud of the kids for their good behaviours and manners in community and around. We are also thanking the community for their support and help in locating children and encouraging them not to astray outside the home,’’ Rev Nyarugwe said in conclusion .