The Word Of Redemption Churches Founder Apostle Bright Ndhlovu has encouraged growing ministries to be grounded more in the word of God if they want to grow and to see God doing exploits in their ministries so that they do not become social gatherings.
In his message while he was outlining his ministry’s 2025 strategy, Apostle Ndhlovu said that when the word of God is fully proclaimed healing, deliverance and prophetic will automatically manifest hence strengthening the ministry in all areas in terms of gifts and demonstration of power.
“People are redeemed, healed and delivered when they hear the truth which is only found in the word of God. It is not us people who make the church grow but the word of God carries the power to do so. The word is the true redeemer and a remedy of all aspects of life.
“As ministers of the gospel if we want our churches to become strong and to have our members grow, we should preach more of the word of God and to teach them to read the word of God and to pray. The problem that we are doing these days as preachers is that we think only about prophetic not knowing that all other dimensions come as a result of growth in his word,” said Ndhlovu.
He further said that his ministry is going to have many sessions to study and teach members the word of God and prayer.
” The year 2025 is a season of God’s Word to prevail according to Isiah 42:13-16. God will manifest to us through fulfilling what he said in his word so as Word of Redemption Churches we will be studying more of the word of God and praying more in order for us to see his word prevailing in our lives and ministry.
“We are also going to strengthen our discipleship class where we will be teaching students how to approach life and situations using the word of God and how to evangelize. We are going to have more of crusades and revival sessions since we are saying our target is to teach people to read the bible every day at least four chapters,” he added.
Meanwhile other believers who spoke about the way that upcoming ministries are operating stated that the word of God is the ingredient that is lacking in many denominations.
Amanda Tshuma from Mutare said “We need prophesies but a prophecy without the word of God has no substance and does not manifest. We need the word of God for us to have hope and to believe that our prophecies will manifest,” she said.
Jonathan Kativhu also said “The reason why sin seems to be dominating among members of the church is that people are not being taught the word of God. churches are slowly becoming social gatherings whereby we meet, sing, dance and receive prophesies then we go back home but without the substance of the word of God. As believers we need the word of God to grow so that even when trials come, we can withstand,” said Kativhu.
Word of Redemption Churches started in Gweru in January 2016 and is led by Apostle Bright Ndhlovu who is popularly known as Pastor B.
The ministry has been widely known in Midlands Province for its outstanding efforts towards youth empowerment and fighting drug abuse through youth prayer meetings and outings.