Good morning! We are here today to talk about something incredibly important to us. We are here to talk about our bodies and how they are a temple of the Lord.
The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
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It is important that we look at this passage in its historical context, as the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the people of Corinth.
The city of Corinth was a center of commerce and entertainment, and during that time it was a particularly sinful city.
Apostle Paul was writing to remind the people of Corinth that they were the temple of the Lord, and that they must live righteously and honor God with their bodies.
That same reminder is applicable to us today. Our bodies are temples of the Lord, and it is our responsibility to honor God with them.
We must take care of ourselves, both physically and spiritually, and think twice before participating in activities that are not honoring to our temple.
We must always remember that our bodies are sacred and we should treat them as such.
We also must remember that our bodies are temples of the Lord and that we should use them to glorify God.
We can do this by living out our faith and serving others in the name of the Lord. We can also use our bodies to do ministry work, such as feeding the hungry or providing shelter for those in need.
Finally, we must remember that our bodies are not our own; they were bought at a price.
As Christians, we must remember that we are here for a purpose, and we must use our bodies to accomplish God’s will.
We must not waste our time on things that do not bring us closer to God or help us fulfill His plan for us.
We must always remember that our bodies are temples of the Lord, and we must treat them as such.
Let us dedicate ourselves to honoring God with our bodies, glorifying Him in all that we do, and using them to further His kingdom.
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