In life and destiny, access to higher realms and dimensions comes at a cost. As you break free from stagnation, two crucial prices must be paid. These prices are not optional but essential to move from one level to the next, especially in your spiritual journey and overall success. The first price is a deeper experience with God, while the second is the price of unbending focus.
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The First Price: A Deeper Experience with God
The cornerstone of accessing new dimensions in life is cultivating a deeper relationship with God. Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes that those who consistently make significant spiritual impact are those who have a profound and intimate walk with God. The deeper your relationship with God, the louder the sound of your spiritual exploits. It’s like the physics of objects: the heavier the object, the louder the sound when it hits the ground. Similarly, the deeper your spiritual roots, the more impactful your presence will be in the kingdom.
This concept is illustrated in 2 Kings 19:30, where the Bible speaks of the remnant of Judah taking root downward before bearing fruit upward. In agriculture, small plants with shallow roots are easily uprooted and last only a short time. In contrast, mighty trees with deep roots endure for decades or even centuries, tapping into a constant supply of nourishment from the ground. Likewise, those who invest in a deep spiritual life—through prayer, study of the Word, and a passionate love for God—will experience sustained relevance and growth.
Apostle Selman further highlights that this deep experience with God ensures that one’s relevance and impact are not just momentary but enduring. He references 2 Chronicles 15:10-15, where the people of Judah entered a covenant to seek the Lord with all their heart and soul. This covenant was not dependent on their emotions or circumstances; it was a deliberate, unwavering commitment. The result was that God gave them rest on every side.
Moreover, in 2 Chronicles 26:5, the secret to King Uzziah’s prosperity and exploits was his dedication to seeking God. As long as Uzziah sought the Lord, God made him prosper. Prosperity here goes beyond financial success; it encompasses excellence, advancement, and continuous growth. The lesson is clear: never reach a point where you believe your spiritual pursuit is sufficient. The pursuit of God is a lifelong journey, even extending into eternity.
Moses’ conversation with God in Exodus 33:14-16 further reinforces this point. As the Israelites were about to journey through the wilderness, Moses insisted that God’s presence must go with them. He understood that no amount of material wealth or military strength could substitute for God’s presence. The pursuit of God should never be sidelined for other pursuits. Apostle Selman warns against the tendency to replace God with wealth, fame, or success, as these are fleeting and unreliable foundations.
The depth of your spiritual life determines the height of your influence and impact. It’s not about starting well but about sustaining that fire for God throughout your journey. This is the first and non-negotiable price for entering new dimensions: a deeper experience with God.
The Second Price: Unbending Focus
The second price for breaking stagnation and entering new dimensions is unbending focus. Apostle Selman teaches that both success and failure can distract you from your ultimate goal. While success might breed complacency, failure can cause discouragement. To maintain and increase your impact, you must have a focus that is unyielding, regardless of circumstances.
In Philippians 3:13-15, Apostle Paul, despite his many accomplishments, declares that he has not yet “apprehended” and remains focused on the goal ahead. He forgets the things that are behind—whether good or bad—and presses forward to the higher calling of God in Christ Jesus. This scripture underscores the importance of not allowing past achievements or failures to distract from the pursuit of greater heights.
A critical aspect of maintaining focus is fighting the mentality of arrival. Many people, after achieving a certain level of success, fall into the trap of believing they have “arrived.” This mindset breeds complacency and can lead to stagnation. Whether it’s in ministry, business, or personal growth, the belief that you have reached your peak is dangerous. Instead, Apostle Selman encourages believers to maintain a constant hunger for more—more of God, more growth, more impact.
Isaiah 50:7 further illustrates the relationship between focus and advancement. The scripture speaks of setting one’s face like a flint, meaning to remain steadfast and determined, leading to an assurance of not being ashamed. Distraction, on the other hand, often leads to shame and unfulfilled potential. Thus, unbending focus is essential for sustaining success and achieving new dimensions.
Apostle Selman also warns against the over-celebration of success. While it is important to acknowledge achievements, over-celebration can create a false sense of accomplishment and hinder further progress. In Africa, for example, there is a tendency to celebrate even minor successes excessively. This attitude can lead to complacency and the premature halting of one’s journey towards greater things. Instead, success should be a motivation to strive for even more, knowing that there is always another level to attain.
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In conclusion, breaking stagnation and entering new dimensions requires paying the price of a deeper experience with God and maintaining unbending focus. These principles, as taught by Apostle Joshua Selman, are essential for anyone seeking to make a lasting impact in life and destiny. By committing to a life of continuous spiritual growth and unwavering focus, you position yourself for sustained relevance, increasing success, and the fulfillment of God’s ultimate plan for your life.