At an event of deeper connection with God and spiritual renewal held recently headlined The Night of Divine Appointment #DAD. The Heart of Healing International Church held an all night of celebrating Apostle Aaron Chavani 52th birthday who is the founder of the church which now has got its wings spreading across the country
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Hosted at State Lotteries Hall in Harare the auditorium was filled to its capacity with people who came from various cities across the country to jubilate in the night of powerful spiritual experience which was led by Apostle Aaron Chavani and Evangelist Chavani. The event featured Dr. Bishop Wilfred Nheya, who was the guest of honour and he delivered inspiring and impactful messages to the attendees.
Speaking on his address Apostle Aaron Chavani said, “I am grateful to be celebrating 52 years of birth, looking back to my life I thank God for taking me this far blessing me and strengthening me for the glory of his work.
“This birthday reflects how awesome God is in my life. I therefore urge you Heart of Healing congregates to have an attentive mindset to listen on what God is whispering into each one’s ears, so that you know your purpose and mission in life. God whispered to me years back that I shall go around preaching and doing his work and I listened. I am celebrating this birthday with an all-night entitled Divine Appointment All night, because it is God’s grace that has taken me this far,” he said.
The Divine Appointment Day All Night was witnessed with intense worship, prayer, and spiritual breakthrough. Attendees had the opportunity to engage in heartfelt worship sessions and participated in prayers for personal and communal transformation.
Preaching during the conference Bishop Nheya urged the congregates to adhere to rules and to be filled with spirit of the house which refers the anointing given by the father of the house through Holy Spirit,”
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Bishop Nheya advised those in leadership position not be just bench warmers but to work for the growth of the church complimenting the leadership of Apostle who is led being led by Holy spirit and said, “I advise you to respect the anointing upon the founder of the church and pray to have discernment spirit that foretells all when going the wrong way ,God called Apostle Chavani into Christian mission none is in this ministry by mistake, but it is all by God’s appointment, all those in positions carry up your cross and help in your capacity spreading the word and the work of God
Indeed, the night was witnessed with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit through healing deliverance, testimonials and soul winning.