Disciples Union International Church (DUIC) led by Apostle Lady Angela Marangarire hosted its second women’s conference, captivating hearts and minds with a powerful theme, “You Woman Stop Bleeding,” on the 10th of August in Lusaka Highfield Harare.
Inspired by the biblical account of a woman with a disease of blood who was healed by Jesus Christ, the conference aimed to empower women to overcome their challenges and reclaim their true identity.
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The event commenced with an esteemed lineup of guest speakers, each sharing their personal experiences and insights. Quoting Mark 5:25-32 and other scriptures, the first speaker Prophetess Mhandu addressed the gathered women, using her own struggle with the issue of blood during her first pregnancy as an illustration.
She shared her triumphant journey, testifying that through prayer and perseverance, she received a miraculous blessing a child whom she named Tapiwanashe.
“I encountered this situation as I was growing up due to witchcraft. It affected me until my first pregnancy, but I continued praying until God gave me a baby,” she revealed, encouraging others to hold onto hope in the face of adversity.
The speaker emphasised that some individuals may take advantage of others’ vulnerabilities, just as the woman with the issue of blood faced in her time.
“This is the same situation we have right now, where some church leaders take advantage of your struggles,” she warned, urging women to be cautious and discerning,” she said.
Apostle Sabina Grace, a powerful leader overseeing six churches, including one with over 500 followers in Rafingora, shared her wisdom with the audience. She emphasised the importance of women caring for others and leading them to Jesus.
“Be a woman concerned with others. Wherever you go, make sure you direct souls to Jesus,”
Apostle Sabina Grace urged. She emphasised the need for empathy and compassion, encouraging women to identify and address the leaks in the lives of those around them.
Prophetess Omni captivated the audience with the story of Jesus and the donkey, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and confronting personal challenges.
“Some people need deliverance, but they are not concerned with their own challenges,” she cautioned.
Her words resonated with many, reminding attendees to prioritise their own healing and growth.
The final guest speaker, Prophetess Rose, travelled from Marondera and led a profound prophetic session, where numerous individuals experienced deliverance.
Her presence ignited a powerful atmosphere of spiritual transformation.
Apostle Angela Marangarire, wrapped up the conference with an impactful address focused on the theme. She drew attention to the nameless woman with the issue of blood, emphasising that one’s circumstances should not define their identity.
“I have seen people who have been nicknamed because of their situations. People no longer know your name; they only know your situation. After this conference, you will be called by your name,” she declared.
Apostle Angela Marangarire shed light on the hidden spirits that prevent individuals from being recognized and celebrated.
She addressed the challenges faced by those who are rejected within their families and even by society, highlighting the need for these obstacles to be destroyed.
“Even when you do good things, nothing seems to come out of it. That situation must be destroyed today,” she proclaimed, igniting a sense of empowerment and liberation among the attendees.
She concluded with heartfelt gratitude , thanking the guest speakers for their powerful ministrations.
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She promised another power-packed conference for the following year, leaving attendees eagerly anticipating future gatherings.
One church member, also the leader of Ruwadzano Mrs Mazowe testified to the positive impact of the ministry. She shared her personal experience of finding a supportive and encouraging husband through the church, and she urged fellow women to support and uplift one another through prayer.