Apostle Dr. Fortunate MbayiMbayi Bhoundi has declared 2025 the year of God’s favor for Mount Carmel Victory and Hope Ministries (MCVH) saying that time has come when God is going to award a double portion of grace to his children as compensation to time that the ministry lost during its initial years when it was trying to establish its roots in the country.
She said this as she was unpacking this year’s theme ” A year of Lord’s favour” revealing that 2025 is going to be characterised with a lot of community outreach programs, soul winning, philanthropic work and talent grooming as key strategies to make the ministry firm and spread its wings to many nations.
“A year of the Lord’s favour from the book of Isaiah chapter 61 is our theme this year. The scripture depicts how God favours his people spiritually, physically, healthwise and financially. Favour has no boundaries and it qualifies the unqualified. Favour does not require any qualifications for one to be located. This is an important theme, especially in the context of Mount Carmel just as in the scripture, God has promised to bless his people, there was a time when many did not understand the anointing upon me and this ministry.
“Time has come that God is comforting us as he is replacing the pain and bad times we once encountered, turning them into joy and good times. Double portions of favour are going to compensate the time that God’s people were ashamed, humiliated and suffered.
“As part of stretching our territory we are going to do more of soul winning, spiritual growth, healing, reaching nations and charity and this requires extra effort for us. Therefore evangelism in different communities will be conducted, mentorship programs and these will be done both online and face to face at the church premises,” said Bhoundi.
Apostle Bhoundi further stated that charity will be another resolution for the year 2025 with more of their strategies being inclusive of the youths particularly in grooming their gifts and increased participation in church programs.
“We are going to do more of youth meetings this year. Talent grooming is one of the strategies that we are going to use in order to empower young people spiritually.
“Another resolution as a ministry is to do more charity work. I have already launched a community initiative through the church’s charity organization that will be working with girls and women, orphans, people with disabilities and widows,” she added
Mount Carmel Victory and Hope Ministries was founded by Apostle Dr. F. M. Bhoundi who received the calling from God at a very young age of 3 years. The Ministry has several departments that complement each other for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
Apart from spiritual programs, MCVH Ministries through the leadership of Apostle Dr. F. M. Bhoundi also conducts empowerment initiatives for both men and women.