Most Merciful God,
Be “our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in distress” (Psalm 46:1).
You created us and sustain us by Your almighty power.
Your mercy knows no bounds.
At this time of great suffering, we entrust all victims of the wildfires to You.
Comfort them, fill them with Your grace, and provide for their needs.
We entrust all who have died to Your merciful Heart.
Cleanse them of their sins and welcome them into Your heavenly Kingdom.
Give wisdom and prudence to those managing this disaster.
Give courage and resolve to those on the front lines.
Keep them safe and successful in their efforts.
Command the winds and the flames to obey You, Lord, as You once calmed the stormy seas.
Pour the water of Your grace upon these destructive fires.
Stay them with Your powerful hand.
Angels of God, come to the aid of those most in need of God’s mercy.
Protect them, guide them, and reveal to them God’s holy will.
St. Florian, patron of firefighters, pray for those bravely battling the flames.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend them in their peril.
Saints in Heaven, we beseech your prayer. Intercede for those most in need.
From this tragedy and chaos, bring hope and peace.
Turn sorrow into compassion.
Turn confusion into faith.
Turn despair into divine hope.
We place all our trust in You, Most Merciful God,
knowing that You will bring forth new life and healing from the ashes of this trial.
May Your name be glorified now and forever.