At least 120 of Catholic members were celebrated to receive the Sacrament of confirmation at Mass presided By Archbishop Robert Christopher Ndlovu at Old Highfields Catholic Church
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During his preaching Archbishop Ndlovu said “let’s all become good Shepherds as Christ was, today’s reading is emphasising on the significance of true love that Christ has a bond with us.”
If a branch is cut off from the vine it cannot bear any fruits today’s Christ is teaching us on true love which is the greatest law above all which is the law of loving one another.
Paul in Romans 13 says apart from all laws the greatest is love one another’s which concludes all the laws given by Christ.
If we are true followers of Christ let’s master the art of Love representing that we are attached to Christ who is the main vine” he said.
As Christ has died for all to live ,there is no one that surpass all, for Love in action .not mere talk but love of being humbleness without counting.
Love does not segregate on differences but allows all to experience, Christ didn’t die for a certain people but for everyone.
The Archbishop went on addressing men in marriage that they must take responsibility in their households.
“Men must sacrifice to better his family living,”
Paul writes to men that they ought to love their families as Christ did.
The law of love is in aspect of true forgiveness, so:
“As Christians we were made the body of Christ through baptism and attached to him through confirmation, men should embrace love in their families for love is the belt that ties all relationships” he said.
Speaking to those who were receiving their stage of Sacraments of Confirmation, Bishop urged them to be true followers of Christ by living Christ centred lives and detouch from ungodly things.
“Those receiving confirmation of the Sacrament let us pray for them that Christ gives them the gift of love today you shall receive various gifts.”
Let the recipient of tongues bring various actions of love and master them.
Love is long-suffering, Love is humbled, Love is not ego, love is patient, Love is Faithfulness, It strengthens the art of hope, Love intercedes for all.
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Those blessed today go as Ambassadors of Christ and pray that God gives you strength to love, carry the message of love, Love one another as Christ did” he said.