In a bid to equip young leaders with essential skills, Nyasha Junior School recently hosted a prefects training and team-building session facilitated by Shamwari Yemwanasikana. The initiative aimed to enhance leadership capabilities and promote teamwork among the school’s prefects.
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Led by experienced facilitators, the training covered a wide range of topics essential for effective leadership, including communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making. Through interactive workshops and hands-on activities, participants gained practical insights into the responsibilities of prefectship and the importance of serving with integrity.
The training underscored the significance of character and humility in leadership, emphasizing Jesus’ teachings on servant leadership. Participants were encouraged to lead by example and to prioritize the well-being of their peers.
With a focus on experiential learning, the session provided prefects with valuable tools and strategies to navigate challenges and foster a positive school environment. Through teamwork and collaboration, participants developed a sense of camaraderie and unity.
As the training concluded, participants expressed enthusiasm and readiness to apply their newfound skills in their roles as prefects. Moving forward, [Your Organization’s Name] remains committed to supporting the development of young leaders and fostering a culture of servant leadership in schools and communities.
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In empowering the prefects of Nyasha Junior School, we believe in the potential of young leaders to make a lasting impact and inspire positive change. Through continued mentorship and support, we look forward to seeing these emerging leaders thrive and succeed in their roles.