Post Cabinet Brief: Cabinet received and considered the Report on the Weather Forecast for 2023/2024 Season as presented by the Minister of Environment, Climate and Wildlife, Honourable N.M. Ndlovu.
Cabinet wishes to advise the nation that the rainfall probabilities of the two sub-seasons (October-November-December 2023 and January-February-March 2024) were determined using statistical analysis and other climate prediction parameters.
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These were derived from indicators that show historical trends, and also based on early warning indicator tools based on national, regional and standards as guided by the World Meteorological Services approaches.
The nation is informed that during the 2023/24 summer rainfall season, the three zones (Region 1, 2, and 3) will have a higher probability of receiving normal to below normal rainfall for most of the sub-seasons that make the period October 2023 to March 2024.
The bulk of Matabeleland North Province, parts of Midlands covering Gokwe North and South districts, and parts of Matabeleland South province are expected to receive below normal to normal rainfall, while normal rainfall with a bias towards below normal rainfall is highly likely for the remaining provinces.
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The rainfall is expected to be erratic in space and time, with violent storms, prolonged dry spells, flash floods and tropical cyclones as the season progresses.
The Meteorological Services Department will continue to monitor all the available seasonal climate indicators which influence Zimbabwe’s rainfall as they evolve.