Prince Kanonhuwa, a young Christian entrepreneur and educationist, shared his remarkable journey and vision for quality education intertwined with the teaching of prayer.
Born and bred in Chitungwiza, Mr. Kanonhuwa is the principal director of Prince Alfreds Christian College, where he is revolutionising education and nurturing young minds with faith and knowledge.
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Speaking at Academic Chronicles/ Rising Stars on ZimGospel Masters Radio, Mr. Kanonhuwa expressed his unwavering dedication to helping students succeed in their academic journey.
“I am a young entrepreneur who is very eager to help students excel in their education,” he declared.
“My passion for education began with a simple realisation of the need for quality education in my community.That’s how I got started, he said.”
“Initially, it began as extra lessons until it grew into a formal education institution, despite the challenges he faced along the way.”
Starting without financial resources, Mr. Kanonhuwa relied solely on his passion and determination. “Passion without money is something else.”
However, his belief in the well-being and spiritual development of students led him to integrate prayer into the education system.
“I believe that health should be supplemented by praying to give it full meaning,” he emphasised.
His dedication to providing quality education has led him to establish two academic centres, with plans for another in the Ziko Dema Area.
With unwavering faith, he attributes his success to the power of God. His vision for education intertwines faith, knowledge, and holistic development, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for a bright future.
Rising Stars/Academic Chronicles is a captivating program that encapsulates the limitless potential and growth of young individuals. It delves into the diverse and compelling narratives that unfold within primary, high school, and tertiary communities. From academic triumphs to personal milestones, this column celebrates the inspiring stories and accomplishments of school students, offering a glimpse into their extraordinary lives.
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This visual show airs every Thursday on ZimGospel Masters TV, showcasing the talents, aspirations, and experiences of those in the education sector in Zimbabwe. This vibrant tapestry of youthful energy, resilience, and ambition offers viewers a glimpse into the extraordinary lives and accomplishments of these young individuals.