UNDERSTANDING marriage principles is key to the success of any marital union, Manapesh founder Emmanuel Nguwa has said.
Manapesh is a Christian organisation focusing on motivation, counselling and teaching on marriage and family life, which Nguwa runs with his wife, Patience.
Speaking at a couple’s seminar held in Harare last month, Nguwa said it was possible to have a successful marriage if couples understood the institution.
Nguwa highlighted that marriage must be taken seriously as it was the foundation of family, society, and the nation.
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“For one to be in a marriage must be in a position to understand marriage, for you cannot have control or manage marriage when you do not understand what it is all about,” he said.
Generally, Nguwa said, couples learn the practical aspects of marriage in the first five years, after which almost everything would be repetition.
He said it was important for couples to exercise wisdom for their marriages to remain stable and vibrant.
Nguwa said marriage alone was not sufficient to sustain a marriage.
“What binds and upholds a marriage is not love alone, but principles such as obedience. Love is only the lubricant for marriage,” he said.
“In obeying marriage principles, couples will work and enjoy marriage.”
He said the relationship between Christ and His Church provided the ideal template for marriage.
“Nothing will work when a man or woman is not separated from his or her family, for it is best for a man to leave his family and take a stranger, a woman, to be his better half,” he said.
Nguwa said couples in marriage should be open to each other, and have access to each other’s gadgets such as cell phones.
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“Concerning the use of cell phones between married couples, a cell phone is the extension of one’s self through revealing an individual what he or she does. Each member of the marriage should allow the other to look into their cell phone because if one does not want their partner to access their cell phone, it means they do not want to be known by their partner,” he said.
Meanwhile, Patience Nguwa said it was important for women to submit to their husband’s and allow them to provide leadership and direction in the marriage.
“A woman should come to the man as a blank disc so the man will tell the woman what he likes and dislikes,” she said.
Manapesh’s vision is to demystify love, from dating, courtship and marriage.