Cabinet considered an update on the summer and winter crops marketing as presented by the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Dr Anxious. J. Masuka.
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The nation is informed that maize and traditional grains stocks at the Grain Marketing Board as at 29th October, 2023 stood at 200 245 metric tonnes (mt); and 48 243 mt of maize and traditional grains respectively.
Using the monthly consumption rate of 23 000 mt the available grain will last 10.8 months.
Wheat stocks as at 29th October, 2023 stood at 198 104 metric tonnes. Wheat stocks can last up to 9.4 months at a monthly drawdown rate of 21 000 metric tonnes.
A total of ZW$46 431 715 012 and US$13 187 134.00 was paid by the Grain Marketing Board for grain delivered.
On winter wheat, Cabinet advises that the area planted under wheat stood at 90 192 hectares and the estimated harvest is 440 844 metric tonnes.
Wheat harvesting is still in progress, while 48 459 hectares having been harvested to date, with a volume of 267 747 metric tonnes harvested to date.
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