Speaking to Zimgospel Masters, Tsitsi Kudita Chawasarira, known with her stage name Tsitsi said one of the biggest challenge as a gospel singer is the lack of airplay of gospel music in main stream media in Zimbabwe, hence there is need for airplay, properly structured and functioning music industry in Zimbabwe.
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“We need airplay to be known by our fans, this will in turn help us secure shows and endorsement by brands. Structuring of music industry assist in turning music into a business so that we can create new better quality products.
“Lack of support from corporates is another biggest challenge that gospel singers are facing because in this industry there are no promoters for gospel music hence an artist has to fund herself to grow,” she said.
She also said that some of the challenges includes lack of spousal support, having family responsibilities and lack of financial resources.
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Minister Tsitsi started singing at the age of 11 in the United Kingdom. She was serving in church praise and worship team. She has done collaborations with Takesure Zamar Ncube, sabastian Magacha, Kudzi Nyakudya, Pastor Gee, Tembalami, Pastor Godfrey Kudita and others.